Payment options

We offer the following payment options:

  • Paypal payment - Only a few steps to payment:

1. choose "PayPal" as your payment method at checkout.

2. to process the payment, you will be redirected to the PayPal website.

3. if you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in with your PayPal user data and initiate the payment.

If you do not have a PayPal account yet, you can create a PayPal account and then confirm the payment. For the payment methods direct debit via PayPal, credit card

via PayPal and purchase on account via PayPal, the creation of a PayPal account is not necessary.

4. after that you will be redirected back to us(Nanolex Webshop).

  • Payment via Paypal Express
  • Payment by direct debit (via Paypal)
  • Payment by credit card (via Paypal)
  • Payment by invoice (via Paypal)
  • Prepayment by bank transfer
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